Online Training
Online training of cement industry professionals is our mission-1 to contribute in cement plant optimization, and towards our vision of carbon neutral cement manufacturing. Our online training courses have boosted hundreds of cement plant professionals to progress in their career across the globe. We have designed these training programs to align your knowledge and skills to enhance your capacity to identify and tap optimization opportunities in your plant. Our training programs are available online 24x7 .
Onsite Training
We deliver onsite classroom training on the subjects like, procedure of plant audit and detailed process analysis with a preliminary pyro audit as a practical exercise to enable your plant team to use portable instruments to conduct a detailed process & energy audit of any section of your plant. Short term courses on subjects like, CCR operation, Mass and Heat balance, Raw mix design can be opted to include in audit training.
Please submit your expression of interest [E.O.I] here.
Plant Audit [Process-Energy]
A detailed audit is an ideal way for independent assessment of performance of a cement plant, and for identifying performance gaps, bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.
Our recommended offer includes AUDIT + AUDIT TRAINING, to conduct a detailed audit [Process + Energy] of your plant and train your engineers to conduct a complete plant audit at any time you want. In this way you get an internal audit team to start and follow plant optimization process.

CEMENTINDUSNEED Vission and Mission
It is fact that cement industry has seen a sea of developments in the area of production enhancement (from 50 tons/day/kiln to 10000 tons/day/kiln) and energy consumption (from 1400 kcal/kg-clinker to 670 kcal/kg-clinker) and 160 kwh/ton-cement to 70 kwh/ton-cement). However, we are still producing about 0.8 ton of CO2 for each ton of cement, and loosing 250-400 kcal of heat per kg-clinker produced and wasting a lot of electric energy in various inefficient ways. Therefore, a huge scope of improvement is always there for optimization cement plant.
Vision: To help cement industries towards low carbon [minimum CO2 Emission] cement manufacturing through energy optimization and capacity utilization.
Mission #1: Knowledge and skill development of cement plant professionals to make them self sufficient to identify optimization opportunities in cement plant operation.
Mission #2: Visualization of present performance level and road map to achieve potential performance through process and energy audit.
Mission #3: Incorporation of future forward technology to augment plant optimization process by empowering your employees with data on real time to take decisions in advance to avoid breakdowns. #Industry 4.0
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We have collaboration with technology leaders like LEAN AUTOMATION for Industry 4.0 [for mission #3] to facilitate three pillars for cement plant optimization at one window. Technology is a great enabler for optimization, But we need to update continuously the knowledge and skill set of front line action takers through capacity development training. So that the cultural transformation will take place to embrace newer possibilities and overcome skepticism.
- Training will enable people to identify and differentiate wastage and value addition.
- Regular plant operation audit/analysis will highlight the pain points, performance gaps, bottlenecks and potential optimization opportunities in plant operation and design.
- Incorporation of process information management system PIMS will bridge various data islands like Quality, Production, Maintenance etc. and collect them on one page and thereby facilitate a tool to action takers to take decisions on real time data/facts. Moreover it will provide you 360 degree visualization of plant shop floor facts anywhere and anytime, so that you are 100 % aware about things happening at your manufacturing unit and initiate corrective action immediately if anything goes wrong anywhere in plant.