Online Plant Operation and Data Analysis
Our highly experienced process engineers and CCR Operators, monitors (if possible) and analyse your plant operation data to make sure that the corrective actions taken by plant operator are timely and proportional. You concentrate on stabilizing your plant operation and we will analyse and explore optimization opportunities. Being data rich and data driven company is the key to unlock the most of mysteries of day to day and seasonal problems faced by production and service departments. During years of experience in cement industries we have learnt that all effects (positive or negative) have always certain causes behind. And in most of the cases-studies we gone through, we found that the problem occurred had sufficient symptoms (Data Logged) indicating the opportunities to avoid/manage the problem occurrence. Problems of process industry are of two types in general. either process is off-targeted or process is unpredictable as shown in below illustration (figure) for 28-day cement strength , and our templates are designed to point out the root-causes of above like problems.

Your needs to know the causes of your day to day plant operation and quality disturbances are our core priorities. Let us analyse your raw data and transform it to meaningful road to SUCCESS!!!

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