Size Calculations
Degree of filling DF%
Burning zone/Thermal loading TL
Volumetric loading VL
Material residence time in kiln RTK
Cooler Loading CL
Clinker residence time in cooler
Radiation Heat Losses RHL
Convection Heat Losses CHL
Forced Convection Heat Losses FCHL
False air w.r.t. mix (O2 basis)
False air w.r.t. gas (O2 basis)
False air w.r.t. mix (CO2 basis)
False air w.r.t. gas (CO2 basis)
Excess Air EA
True CO2 in kiln exit gas TCO2
Theoretical Heat of reaction HR
Theoretical Flame Temperature TFT
Primary Air %
Burner Tip Velocity BTV
Flame Momentum FM
Gross calorific value GCV
Net calorific value NCV
Useful heat value UHV
Standard coal factor SCF
Specific Stoichiometric/minimum Combustion Air SSCA kg-air/kg-fuel
Stoichiometric/minimum Combustion Air SCA kg-air/sec 4CALC.
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